Language English Description
Kenak ninyam wirrengən! Tie up that dog

lit. 'kena' (to tie, to tie up), 'ak' (order one person), ninyam (that one), wirrengən (dog)

Kepin karrkun-karrkun nyenggang piyal-kal. One reed warbler sitting on a branch
lit. one reed-warbler sitt-ing branch-on

Kepin manye pa kepin. Six

lit. - one hand and one

Kepin manyə tulu pener pener wariwin kiluwity. Five little ducks went out one day

Lit. Five small ducks went away today.

Kepin wilək-wilək tyerrikiny potykal tyakap. One galah will stand on the grass (in order) to eat
tyerrika - to stand, tyerrikiny -will stand. 
lit. one gahah stand-will grass-on eat-inorderto

Kikwa... ninga. When.... then straight away

Lit. right then (kikwa) + then, straight away (ninga). Seems to be a conversation with the first person checking when an action happened and the second person saying (yes) right then, straight away. Demonstrates the use of adverbs in conversation.

Kilanda kumbiny. Soon I will lie down to sleep. (or - I will lie down to sleep soon.)

Demonstrates sentence beginning with adverb 'kila' (soon) with added first person ending 'anda' (I) and verb 'kumba' (to sleep) plus future tense ending 'iny'.

Kinganda yuma. I am here (or - Here I am)

An example of first person subject marker 'anda' added to the adverb 'kinga' (here) followed by the verb 'yuma' (to be). Literally means (here-I be). See also note in entry for 'yuma - to be)

Kinganda. I am here

Sentence that uses the adverb 'kinga' (here) plus the first person subject ending 'anda' ( I ). Literally - 'here - I'. (Note the entry in 'notes' for 'yuma - to be'. 'Kinganda yuma' (Here I am) is also included.

Kinmer pembengguk. These children
Simple phrase with pronoun 'kinmer' (these) and a noun 'pembengguk' (children).
Kinya wile wikən. Pongga. This possum is dead. It smells

Kinya (this), wile (possum, brush tailed), wika (to die), wikən (dead), pongga ( it smells -'a' 3rd person ending (he/she/it) ).

Kirnuk. (his) urine

simple phrase with noun 'kir' and possessive ending 'nuk' (his) (this is a variation from 'uk' or 'kuk' for following the 'r' of 'kir')

Kiwa yirri tyalanga karrthi. It is very hot this summer

Kiwa (now) yirri (very) tyalanga (hot it is) karrthi (summer). The head word of the sentence is the demonstrative adverb of time 'kiwa' followed by the adverb 'yirri' (very) then the verb 'tyalanga' (to be hot) with the third person 'a' ending (it is hot) and ending with the noun 'karrthi' (summer).

Kiyawety mayowety. Here and there

Kiyawety-mayowety. Hither and thither

lit. 'this way' - 'that way'

Kukandandak. My grandchild

Kulinyanda kinyam peng. I dislike that man

Kumbinyanda. I'm going to sleep

Lit. to sleep-will-I. Uses the action word (verb) 'kumba' plus the future tense ending 'iny' plus the person 'anda' 'I'.

Kumbinyangurr lar Kukakaty karrəlkuk. We will sleep at Grandma's house tonight
Demonstrates that the 'adverbs of time' eg 'karrəlkuk' (tonight) & 'nyarri' (now) were usually the last word in a sentence and did not contain transferring endings. Lit. kumbinyangurr (sleep-will-we inclusive) lar (house) kuka (grandma) katy (belonging to) karrəlkuk (tonight).
Kurraty-wil nyunya. He/she/it is fat

'He/she/it is fat' is created in Wamba Wamba by combining 'fat one' (kurraty-wil) with 'that one over there' (nyunya), lit. 'having-fat that one'

Kurrəkangurrak. Our country (inclusive of person being spoken to)

kurrək (country) + angurrak (our) (inclusive)

Kurumbaya-kat kinya lerrk. This woman is jealous

Kurumpit wutyəpuk. She is in an advanced state of pregnancy

Kutengek. My younger sister

Kuthanganda. I'm sorry

lit. to be sorry - being - I

Kutningek. My younger brother

Kuyin-kat. Dont you dare!

Lalungən bourpook nyawi. Sunstroke

from verb 'lalunga' - to hurt, to injure with the past participle marker 'ən'. 'nyawi' is sun.

Larnuk. His home, the nest of a bird

Larrpinyanda katəna. I will throw it into the water
lit. - throw-will-I water-towards.