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Nyenggarr kiki.

You sit here
Nyerninbula ngakata piyal-para.
Say: nyern-iin-buul-ah ngah-kaht-ah piiy-yahl-pah-rah
They both sat down to listen in the shade of the red gums
Nyernənbula wilək-wilək-para payikang piyalka.
Say: nyern-ən-buul-ah wiil-ək-wiil-ek-paar-ah paiy-yah-kahng piy-yahl-kah.

They both heard galahs flying towards the trees
Nyinga nyumilin, nyanya kila.

Then he thought, what is this now?
Nyipak kinyam nyelinyuk.

Wipe off the snot (from the child's face)
Nyuka ninyam tirndak!.

Bring it over here!
Nyuka wari.

Come here!
Nyuka yanggi!

Come here!
Nyukaty kulikaty.

Belonging to these people
Nyuminyandarr mumbelmkungin.
I will recognise you by your hat
Nyuwa-mana tharrə-karuk.

A policeman is coming right here
Pambanda, tyerrikang ngarəngek!

I'm scared, my hair is standing on end!
Parenginyanda kinmer kawir kawir. Nyakilarr.

I will chase those close emus. You watch.

His/her/its track

I am thirsty
Partaminyangana prrityak.

I'll wrestle (with) you on the bare ground

Hail is beating down

Try it!
Pawang kepin manyə kar-para.

Five grubs cooking in the ashes
Payiki, werrki kinya peng!

Get up, quick, there is a man coming
Peligmən lar.

Police office
To myself
Pertayak ninyam karn.

Dry that dress

Pilotang-kat kinya nyawithe.

The sun is very glary
Pirkak kinyam peng!
Make up a song about this man!
Pirnang-kat merterruk.
His bones are sticking out
Pirnən nyawi.

The sun has risen
Pityakang kaliya kurrəkal.

Shingle backed lizard warming itself on the sand
Popeny-kity karn.
Baby's dress