Language English Description
Tyemulin nyarrəmbənku kalki pandyil nyunya. The old man found that gypsum over there

lit. find-found oldman-doer gypsum that-one-over-there (The sentence starts with the verb tyemula to find and adds the past tense bound form 'in' to make it 'found'. To the Wamba name for old man 'nyarrəmbən' has been added the 'doer' bound form 'ku' because it was the old man that did the finding not the gypsum.)

Tyerrikang kakat kepin karkalkuk. White ibis standing on one leg
tyerrika - to stand, tyerrikang - standinglit. stand-ing white-ibis one leg-on-his/her/its
Tyerrikang withən-wil yawir kaləpul nyirring-wil-kal. A pair of birds standing together on the river bank
lit. stand-ing bird pair-together river-bank-on

Tyerrikin nyernilang kama potykal kurrumbit. A swamp wallaby stood listening in the long grass
tyerrika - to stand, tyerrikin - stood
lit. stand-stood listen-ing swamp-wallaby grass-in tall
Tyerta purrkanda. It stops (me). I sigh.
Lit. stops-it sigh-I.
'This was a sarcastic expression implying 'I can't be bothered to do this.'
Say - 'Tyert-ah puurr-kahn-dah'
- 'a's' are standard 'a' as in 'path'
- 'u' standard 'u' as in 'put'
- 'e' variation (1) - 'e' followed by an 'r' is 'e' as in 'fern'
- 'ty' palatal stop, tip of tongue touches hard palate, unvoiced
- 'rr' role

Tyilekanda wutyupek. i am sick in the stomach'

Tyilekanda. I am sick

Tyilekin wirrengən. Karrmin potykal. The dog was sick. It vomitted on the grass

Lit. 'tyileka' (to be sick), tyilekin (was sick), karrma (to vomit, + 'in' (past tense - vomitted), poty (grass), potykal (on the grass).

Tyilkayang penga. Really conceited and flash person

Tyilpendinggat penggandak. I banged myself

lit. Tyilpa (to hit, or bang) en (was - variation on past participle 'ən') dinggat ?

Tyilperlən yawirr koletykata. A fish splashed in the kolety

lit. splash-ed fish Kolety-in

Tyungga mirnuk. His eye is swelling up, he has got a bung-eye

Tyurung-kuthəwiny. Lengthways

This is a compound adverb created with 'tyurung' ( long) and kuthewiny (in the direction of).

Tyuyipak ninyam tya. Make this ground level (for a camp)

Wakatangarr. You are an obstinate person

Walangandak pirrityana paleng-para. We jump logs

Wantimanda nyaka. I want to see
lit. 'wantima' (to want)+ anda (I), nyaka (to see).
Shows: one verb (wantima) as an 'auxiliary' verb to another (nyaka).

Waripangal karrəlkuk. We two dance tonight:
Lit. - dance-we-two tonight
Wariwin. He/she/it went away
This is the past tense and third person of the verb 'Wariwa' 'to go away'. To create the past tense replace the present tense ending 'a' with the past tense ending 'in'. Depending on context this phrase could mean 'he, she or it went away.' (Note 'wariwa' and 'wariwin' has the pronunciation variation for the 'a'. It comes between 'w' and 'r' and is pronounced the same as the English 'war'.)

Wariwinyanda kinmer kulikal. I will go away with these people
Simple sentence with the verb, or action word, 'wariwa', the future tense marker 'iny' and the first person singular marker 'anda' (I).
Lit. GoAway-will-I these people with.
Warrmangin. Behind you

Warruperpuk-min yarkiny yawirruk. He will look for his food the day after tomorrow

Lit. day-after-tomorrow-definitely look-he/she/it-will meat-his

Warənguk kamak-kamak nya. Her left hand is really crippled

lit. left-hand-his/hers crippled indeed

Wawangandin pulety manyə kali-para. Ten dogs following me
lit. he/she/it following-me ten dog-s

Wemba ninyam tyakak pengguk parəkin pithiku. Don't eat this meat, it's flyblown

Wemba pilpak. Don't make this banging noise

Wemba tuki perrma nyunga-kat. Don't move, that man here is sneaking (a bird)

Wemba tuki! Don't move!, keep still!

Wemba wermili. Don't bark

Wemba-kat kungayahe. Is never quiet!