Language English Description
Lerrinyuk. Claw (its), the claw of any animal or bird, also any hard shell, e.g. of a crayfish

lit. lerri (claw, fingernail), nyuk - its

Mambar. You are tired

Mambarr tyerrika kurnwila. You might step on a snake
(literal perhaps-you to stand snake-on). Hercus states that 'the General Oblique Case is very widely use. Its basic meaning is that of 'movement towards'. Normal suffix is 'a' after consonants and 'ga' after vowels.

Mambayanda. I am worn out

Marrku katimən karrinyuk-murreng. That other one has a big, wide head
lit. that other one - marrku (that other one) katiman (to have) katimən (has) karrinyuk (big, wide) - murreng (head)

Milak-milak-warən. Covered in ashes

Milakang. Out of the ashes

Phrase is created with 'milak' plus 'ang' - the noun suffix showing moving away from (the ablative case)

Milpa-milpa-kat pathingguk. He is bending his knees, he is kneeling down

Moyiku tyak. Down to the ground

Mumbelmek My hat
Mumbelm - hat, ek - 1st person singular possessive suffix (my).

Mungak kinyam wanap. Make this fire

Mungin karnuk puləty piyal. He made an axe handle from a box tree stick

Lit. munga (to make) + 'in' (made), karnuk (handle of axe or tomahawk), puləty (Box Tree), piyal (stick)

Mungin ngalukugek karn tirtenayuk. My aunty made a new dress

lit. make-made aunty-doer-my dress new

Munginarr kalingality-karren. You made a cane grass necklace

lit. make-made-you cane grass knecklace

Ngakata. In the shade

Ngarnin. He went round cadging (food)

Ngarupanda kinyam pengguk pongən. I can smell this rotten meat

Ngatananda nyernin. I have heard already, 'already-i hear-past'

Ngatha kinya tyurpa! Goodness, it is absolutely pouring!

Nguanda tyerrika. I don't want to stand.
Nguanda is formed with the auxiliary verb 'nguwa' plus the first person subject ending 'anda' ( i ). (the connecting 'w' in 'nguwa' has been dropped in the process). The main verb 'tyerrika' (to stand) has the tense ending only - 'a' for present tense. 'nguanda tyerrika' literally 'unwilling-I stand'.

Ngunyama-kat kinya lerrk. This woman makes one feel sorry

Ngupanda-kat. I've had enough

Ngupayin-kat. Have you had too much?

Ngupən-min-kat luthəkin. Is your belly (at last) full?

Ngurkinanda pithik. I swallowed a fly

Nngare pambin payikin wariwin. The black duck got a fright and flew away
lit. black-duck frightened flew away
Nongwe. Pertayatang pileny. Yes. It's dry as well.

Lit. Yes. Drying-it-is as well. (pertayatang is a present participle of 'pertaya' (to dry) ) Demonstrates a conversation. (Response to a previous statement eg 'It's hot today.'

Nya manmulakaty!. How disgusting!

Nyakamuni!. Look out!

lit. - nyakamuna (to look out) - i (order one person)

Nyakanda puletya karndəli nyenggang piyalkal wikən. I see two butcher birds sitting on a dead branch
lit. see-I two butcher birds sit-ting branch-on dead