Language English Description
Nyakangurr. We all see, we all watch, we all consider

lit. nyaka (to see) - angurr (we all, inclusive)

Nyakiladiyaty! kanintyang waku mirkuk tyirri-tyirrity-kity larnuk. Look everyone! the crow is stealing an egg from the willie-wagtail's nest
lit. Look everyone! steal-ing crow-doer egg willie-wagtail-'s camp-his (nest).

Nyakilang kamərilak-pula nyuwa kapəl. Two osprey watching near the river

lit. watch-ing osprey-two near river

Nyakilangan kangi-kurrm-kurrk-parra-ku waripang puliwarl-para. Those older teenage girls are watching the teenagers dancing

lit. watch-ing-those mid-teenage-girl-s-doer dance-ing teenager-s. Added to the action word 'nyakila' is 'ang' (happening now) and 'an' (they/those).

Nyakinanda kapit-kapit permila lana. I saw a wild blackfellow sneaking towards the camp
lit. saw-I wild-blackfellow sneaking camp-towards

Nyakinanda kepin manyə pulety pulety kathəkarr payikang lanka. I saw nine corellas flying home:

Lit: see-past-I nine corella fligh-ing home-towards

Nyakinyanda manyam perrpuk. I will see him tomorrow

'Nyaka' - 'to see' with future tense ending 'iny, plus 'anda' first person singular 'I' as a subject ending, 'manyam' 'that one over there' as an object, plus 'perrpuk' - 'tomorrow'. Literally 'see-will-I, him over there, tomorrow' ie 'I will see him tomorrow.'

Nyakityarr-kat ninyam takin? Why did you hit him?

Nyanga-kat kinya nyawi. The sun is burning

Nyangən. Burnt

Nyanya kiya? How to pronounce it?

A phrase using the interrogative pronoun 'nyanya' (what or how) followed by the verb 'kiya' (to speak).

Nyanyarar kiya? What are you saying?

lit. nyanya (what) rar (you) kiya (to speak, say)

Nyanyararr kiya? What are you talking about?

Example of using 'nyanya' to ask a question. It comes first in the sentence before the verb. The person marker for 'you' - 'arr' has been added.

Nyanyararr pirnin? How did you get here?
nyanyar (how) + arr (you sing.) pirna (to arrive, to come) + in (past tense)

Nyanyararr wantima? What do you want?

Nyanyimən kinya wile pirnin. It is a bad omen that this possum came

Nyanyuk-nyanyuk-min mumbelm. A different hat (every day)

Nyaparr karrthi karrthi? How old are you?
Lit. how many-you summers.
Nyaparr pembengguwin? How many children have you got?

Nyarna wemba kanyilarr. Don't worry. you are still breathing

lit. worry not breathing-still-you

Nyarninyangurr wemba. No worries

lit. nyarna - to worry, nyarniny - will worry, nyarninyangurr - we will worry, wemba - not.

Nyarrindek. My name is ........

Nyarrinduk. His (her, its) name is ...

Nyarringin ... Your name is

Nyarrəmbən-pula. Two old men

Simple phrase showing the noun ending 'pula' for 'two'.

Nyatyərruwarr withəwiny? When will you go home?

Nyawikal. in the daylight

Nyenggarr kiki. You sit here

lit. sit-you here

Nyerninbula ngakata piyal-para. They both sat down to listen in the shade of the red gums
lit. nyerna - to sit and listen, nyernin -sat down to listen, nyerninbula - both sat down to listen. ngakata piyal-para - in the shade of the Red Gums
Nyernənbula wilək-wilək-para payikang piyalka. They both heard galahs flying towards the trees
Nyern-ən-bula - listen-heard-both, wilək-wilək-para - galahs, payikang - fly-flying, piyalka - trees-towards.