Asset Name Image Description Dimension Acquired From Creator Condition Reports History
Historic Photograph mia mia with occupant Historic photograph of traditional mia mia with occupant Unknown 0 Unknown
Historic Photograph mia mias Historic Photograph featuring a numer of traditional mia ias Unknown 0 Unknown donor
Historic Photograph Moonacullah early 1900s Group Photo Moonacullah early 1900s 0
Historic Photograph Moonacullah Mission Historic black and white photograph featuring Community at Moonacullah Mission early 1900s Unknown 0 Unknown
Historic Photograph Salvation Army Hall opening Nth Deniliquin Historic Photograph Salvation Army Hall opening Nth Deniliquin Unknown 0 Unknown
Historic Photograph Sporting day at Moonacullah Runners lined up ready to race, at one of the regular sporting/picnic days at Moonacullah 0
Hope and Migration Story Exhibition part of the exhibition that talks about development of the sheep breeding in the district 0
Hubert Day soon after 961 Hubert Day holding baby in coolamon under one arm and holding a spear in the other Community member 0
Hunting boomerang 1 Hunting boomerang, not decorated red coloured wood, made to return 63cm wide, 8cm thick on left side and 6cm thick on right Deni Historical Society 0 Donated by Deni Historical Society
Hunting Boomerang, etched Hunting boomerang with etching featuring kangaroo and emu with leaf, made to return 0 Donated by Deni Historical Society