Asset Name Image Description Dimension Acquired From Creator Condition Reports History
Elimdale School 1898 School Photo black and white outside the Elimdale School Yarkuwa owned 0 Made by students at TAFE during family history studies 2002
Ellimdale primary School poster featuring both black and white students Yarkuwa IKC 0 poster created during family and community history research
Ellimdale School Historic photograph of the Ellimdale Primary School featuring both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous students Unknown 0 Unknown
Emu egg Empty Emu egg shell in natural state 13cm long, 9cm wide David Crew Emu 0
Engraved gourd Two tone gourd engraved and dyed with woven top 11cm across top 11cm high John Conallin Unknown 1 From Kenya
Etched boomerang 1 Stained dark and etched design of serpent, with etched bands on each end. Is designed to return. 55cm wide, 7cm thick Deni Historical Society 0 Donated by Deni Historical Society
etched hunting boomerang 3 Etched hunting boomerang featuring a kangaroo on the darker wood, may be made of Jarra, slightly chipped on right end, made to return. 50cm wide 11cm deep Deni Historical Society 0 Donated by Deni Historical Society
Exhibition Poster of Kangaroos Exhibition Poster on board of Kangaroos Peppin Heritage Centre Deniliquin NSW 0 Created for the Peppin Heritage Centre Deniliquin
First Tent Embassy Photo The first poster leading to the setting up of the Tent Embassy. The first NAIDOC Week protest held in 1972 Gifted to Yarkuwa by one of the original organisers 0 The First NAIDOC WEEK Poster for the first NAIDOC protest.
Floods at Moonacullah 1930s groups of community members at Moonacullah Yarkuwa IKC 0 Poster created during community and family history research