Asset Name Image Description Dimension Acquired From Creator Condition Reports History
Food Poster Poster containing coloured photos of traditional Aboriginal food, animals and plants 1000 x 673 0 Made by students at TAFE during family history studies 2002
Football Team Moonacullah Coloured photograph of Moonacullah Football Team 1950s 0 Moonacullah Football Team played and won 1 premiership game and lost the cup...
General photos at Moonacullah containing histric group photos at Moonacullah Yarkuwa IKC 0 Created during community and family history research
Ground edge axe with hafting groove Ground edge axe for hafting, no handle 10cm long, 8cm wide, 4cm thick Deniliquin Historical Society unknown 0
Ground Edge Hafted Axe Ground edge hafted axe with binding 38cm long handle, 11cm head David Crew unknown 0 Australian, bought in a clearance sale in the New England area
Hamilton and Morgan Family Tree Poster Poster featring members of the Hamilton and Morgan Familys Yarkuwa IKC 0 Created during community and family history research
Hamilton Family Tree poster Featuring members or the Hamilton Family at Moonacullah and Deniliquin Yarkuwa IKC 0
Hand held greenstone ground edge axe - Wakool hand held greenstone ground edge axe 12cm long 9cm wide 3cm thick Carmel Quinlan Unknown Wamba Wamba person 0 Found on the Wakool River in an oven mound, originally traded in from Mt...
Hand held ground edge greenstone axe hand held ground edge greenstone axe 14cm long, 7cm wide 4cm thick Deniliquin Historical Society Unknown 0 traded in from Mt William Victoria
Hand held ground edge greenstone axe - 11cm handheld ground edge greenstone axe 11cm long, 5cm wide , 4cm thick Deniliquin Historical Society 0 traded into Mid Murray Region from Mt William Victoria