Asset Name Image Description Dimension Acquired From Creator Condition Reports History
Bark Coolamon Unknown Uknown 0 Made for display
Small drinking vessell made from kelp Debb Flower/Briggs Unknown 0 Presented to Debb Flower/Briggs
Metal styrup for horse saddle, found at Moonacullah NSW 1cm wide, 16cm high Unknown unknown 0 Found at Moonacullah and donted to Yarkuwa
Poster, traditional Australian food seed Peppin Heritage Centre Deniliquin NSW unknown 0 Created for the Peppin Heritage Centre Deniliuin NSW
round flat with lip basket 20.5cm across, 4cm deep lip David Crew unknown 0 Purchased in Russia
Poster Environmental "Rhythm of the River" Peppin Heritage Centre Deniliquin Unknown 0 Created for the Peppin Heritage Centre Deniliquin
small oblong carrybag with handle, made to carry small mobile phone. Debb Flower/Briggs Debb Flower/Briggs 0 Made during weaving workshop 2015 using Mid Murray technique
round light coloured ground edge stone 14.5cm long, 12cm wide, 4,5cm thick Donation from Deniliquin Hstorical Society Unknown 0 Unknown
Two toned basket 9.5cm wide, 7cm high Donated by David Crew Unknown 0 Purchased in Arizona America
Small South Australian basket 11cm high, 12cm across Donated byvTheresa Morgan Theresa Morgan 0 An example of South Australian weaving technique